This is a list of cool games related to computer science that you might not know about.

Incredible proof machine

Free to play:

A game about proving things using intuitionistic logic. It has a very neat graphical interface that’s way easier to get into than a traditional proof description language like Coq or Lean

Natural numbers game

Free to play:

Again a game about proving things, but this time in Lean. I’d recommend playing the incredible proof machine first since Lean is not the most pleasant thing to write.

Deadlock empire

Free to play:

Short game about commonly found mistakes in imperative multithreaded code. Does not involve writing code. Accessible even to people who’re still learning about multithreading.


Free to play:

Game about traversing and modifying graphs using only pointers to vertices. Involves writing code in a graphical language. Accessible even to people who’ve never written code.


Free to play:

Game about constructing a rudimentary processor purely out of nand gates through clicking and dragging.


Can be bought on steam:

Game about writing your own minesweeper puzzle solver. The challenge comes from having to write it in a very restricted language.

I’d consider this game a very good “legacy codebase simulator”; Two hours in and I already had a bunch of rules in the list that needed deprecating as they were already replaced by better rules. It wasn’t that long in that I had the urge to just delete everything and start writing rules from scratch.



Free to play:

A bunch of beginner-level CTFs. “Bandit” is about teaching you basic linux shell commands, while the games after it teach basic web security, ciphers, etc.


Free to play:

A CTF game about reverse-engineering locks. Read the assembly code of the lock, figure out its flaw(s), then type in a valid password. Surprisingly accessible for what it is. I’d say it serves as a great middle ground between the easy CTFs and the serious ones, as it still involves assembly but it does not involve learning how to use related archaic tooling.

Smash The Stack

Free to play:

Even the “easy” CTFs on here are rather hard. Good luck!

Other cool things that aren’t really games:

  • - A sandbox for describing and evaluating concatenative calculus variants (the site has a readme that’s more descriptive than this, go read it for an explanation of what a concatenative calculus is)
  • - A category theory proof assistant that can visualize string diagrams. It’s category theory so I still do not understand any of it, but it’s cool.